Full Name
Nadia Roumani
Job Title
Principal, Roumani Consulting LLC & Senior Designer, Stanford d.school
Roumani Consulting LLC
Speaker Bio
Nadia is a social entrepreneur, educator, coach and consultant. She is passionate about developing a more equitable, creative, strategic, collaborative, and impactful social sector. She is currently the Co-founder and Senior Designer of the Designing for Social Systems Program at Stanford’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (the d.school).

Nadia has also been advising individual and institutional philanthropists for almost two decades. She is currently a Senior Advisor to Philanthropy Together, The Philanthropy Workshop, and the National Center for Family Philanthropy. Nadia co-Founded and Directed Stanford University’s Effective Philanthropy Learning Initiative (EPLI), which aims to help high net worth individuals increase their philanthropic impact. Prior to launching EPLI, Nadia was an inaugural fellow with the d.school, and the Walter and Esther Hewlett Design Fellow with Stanford PACS where she focused on the intersection of philanthropy and design. Nadia is a serial social entrepreneur.

Over the past two decades she has launched several organizations and initiatives including the Initiative for Policy Dialogue with Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz at Columbia University; the Women Leaders Intercultural Program with Ireland’s former President Mary Robinson; Global Policy Innovations Program at the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs; the Building Bridges Program at the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation; and the American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California.

Nadia received her BA in economics and international relations from Stanford University and her MA in international affairs from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. She is a board member of KQED.
Nadia Roumani